Thursday 10 May 2007

Barrage Theorem

As you can see from the map,
Here are the schools, mosques,
Churches, markets, shopping centres -
All tagged for future development.
Our documents indicate that
Prime real estate can also be found
In the suburbs where homes
Have conveniently been deconstructed
Into their raw materials.
Indications are, that although the cities
Have been punched full of holes,
They can be landscaped
By an abundant and cheap workforce
To a style that is to your liking.
We have listened to the concerns of some locals
And found them entirely without basis.
Although we don't have anyone that speaks
Native on our staff we are assured that
The majority feel the same way we do
And are understood to say:
Why rebuild when you can start again?

© GB 2007


Jim Brock said...

Frighteningly officious language, so smug and apt.

get zapped said...

You speak so much truth here, it's sad. I am angry this happens more and more...

Rob Kistner said...

Gino -

Yes! Well executed -- and more than a little disconcerting.

Rightly done!

gautami tripathy said...

Felt as if you wre talking of Delhi.

Crafty Green Poet said...

this is chillingly accurate.

January said...

Unfortunaly what you're talking about goes on everywhere, no matter where you live. Your poem speaks the truth. Well done.

Clockworkchris said...

This took several re-reads. It's so different from what I usually read or write but in a great way. I love opening my horizons. Taking the point of view of some smug rich tycoon and thier companies and destroy the society they know nothing about without so much as a vote or even hiring a local workforce. Terrible state the world is in today. You did a great job putting together the right words to get accross the point.

Alice said...

This is what is about to happen to where I live... Thank you for words to say it with.